This is the latest new from us.

We are renewing and updating our website over the next few weeks.

Come back often to see the progress.

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This website is the latest incarnation of the Glenkens site which originally went online in 1995. It includes some information on the villages, the history, environment and the wildlife of the district.

Our photographs pages will be updated and re-uploade shortly.

Included in the Wildlife pages are photos of some of the plants to be found throughout the year as well as lists of local plants, birds and animals.

In the History section there is some information about the Covenanters in this area, some of the castles, the villages and some ancient monuments. OSA Lists from the 1791 and 1851 census showing the occupations and populations of the villagers at that time.

Included in the Environment section are some articles about biodiversity and sustainable energy.

In addition there are pages with poems and ballads from south-west Scotland, including a glossary of some of the words that may not be familiar to everyone. A few places of interest to visit and things to do in and around the district are also included.

More articles are coming so check back regularly please.